Come From Amongst Them!

Come From Amongst Them

As a woman of God, born again, baptized by fire and spiritually gifted for three decades I’m appalled at what I’m seeing coming from the church system, particularly the 501c3 churches and the attacks on Mark Taylor for exposing the godly truth.  So I’m taking a public stand in support of Mark.   

Not everyone is led by the Holy Spirit. Therefore everyone isn’t hearing from God because there is no evidence of spiritual fruit. Doesn’t matter how long you have been saved, how many degrees you hold and what organized seminary you graduated from and you flaunt!  Yeshua was none of these.  In fact I can think of one of my favorite Holy Ghost filled saint who wasn’t either. 

Smith Wigglesworth was a faithful, awesome Holy Ghost filled man of God who didn’t learn to read until his was 25 years of age.  His wife taught him how to read; this simple, man who grew up in poverty and in hard times.  But when he spoke, many thought he was a scholar.  My point in sharing this is that God can use anyone who isn’t tethered to the traditions of men, nor some prophetic statement reigning in people to control those who call themselves prophets.  Other then biblical stories of man’s flesh being challenged, even satan could not persuade or tempt Yeshua after his forty-day fast. 

Queen Jezebel Being Punished by Jehu, Artist Andrea Celesti

What we have brewing right now is Jezebel and her crew stirring the pot to control the narrative publicly while still operating in the the den of thieves market place, marketing their wares for thirty-pieces of filthy, silver lucre. It’s obvious that Mark has unnerved many who are caught up in a corrupt church system.  There are other true prophets who believe as Mark does and have seen the same prophetic visions he’s given. I for one have seen the same prophetic visions Mark has exposed; for the very reasons Mark has exposed the 501c3 nonprofit are the same reasons God began to expose this church system to me during prayer in 2000.  The Lord repeatedly convicted me about not being involved with the nonprofit 501c3 church system.  After my 2005 trip to Nova Scotia for a messianic fellowship, my friend and I prayed and we heard the Lord with urgency say to us come from amongst them — come from amongst who God? 

I sort the Lord through prayer and continued research and biblical studies for understanding why? In 2000, during prayer, I heard the Lord tell me me three things:

  1. Owe no man money
  2. We are to be lenders and not borrowers
  3.  Don’t touch the nonprofit!

God continued to remind me of these three things in 2005, 2011, 2014, 2016 and 2018 before I knew of Mark Taylor, Melissa Leggett, Q, the Anons or Chris McDonald’s The McFiles or any other platforms.  Mark confirmed everything God had shown me and more.  Mind you I don’t watch TV or follow everyone. This radical, godly noisy daughter of God seeks Him for understanding often. I keep my spirit clear and free from other people’s stuff!  So I only go where God leads me through the Holy Spirit. So I’m in total agreement about the 501c3 nonprofit and my support for Donald J. Trump 2016 presidency and his reelection in 2020, which President Trump won in a landslide, another vision the Lord gave me prior to the 2020 election. The Lord showed me an industry broom which had swept debris off of a now red USA map.  I heard the Lord say, sweep the house clean, landslide, avalanche, tsunami.  

So many people are gullible and won’t pick up the Bible nor seek God for understanding and direction for their own good. They blindly follow people, make them their gods without testing the spirit by the spirit for fruit inspection.  This is why God is going to judge the religious church system, which has been infiltrated by the Illuminati and freemasonry.  Johann Adam Weishaupt, Jesuit trained, established the Illuminati on May 1, 1776, and would later infiltrate the Freemasons who  has influenced society and in particular the church system three months before the signing of the Declaration of Independence, hmmm, this spirit still lives on…

Don’t believe me — then research, watch the signs and listen closely to their words…hand signals, pigs, animals, all seeing eyes, smelling people through videos; astro projected spirits, baphomet and freshly fed altars, a whiteboard with arrows all pointing at President Trump like some technical voodoo doll imagery with arrowheads focused on their intended target?  Is President Donald J. Trump their target? 

You can fool some of the people some of the time but you can’t fool all the people all of the time.  God’s remnant won’t be controlled by your prophetic statement contract, much like the oath of agreement the fallen angels made!  Nothing has changed even with their new dress on — how pathetic!   

Last, let this sink in those who are 501c3 nonprofit or any form of license filed with the government to do business — you are tethered to their accountability. They will begin to tell you how high to jump and perform their agenda:  Aborting babies, Critical Race Theory (CRT) transgender confusion, overriding the parents’ authority to raise our children, i.e., Australia with mandated mask and forcefully giving vaccines in school setting without the parent’s permission — pay attention!  They want to defund the police and taking our guns — writing legislative laws and much more to implement all these evil plans to destroy America and turn us into a communistic country — and you fail to see this handwriting on the wall.  You will come God’s way or you will come God’s way! 

If you fail to heed, be prepared to pay greatly to Pharoah’s TASK-TAXmaster system!  Your little leaven no matter how small, non existing or harmless you think this is to remain 501c3 nonprofit — you are feeding satan earth system through the very thing God bless us and said to be fruitful, multiple and replenish the earth.  I personally want to thank you for being so ill informed in helping to destroy America.  Nonprofit 501c3 churches are leading God’s sheep astray.

Mark has warned you — I’m warning you!  The true Ekklesia remnant is warning you! Your bread basket is full of holes! You will answer to God!

There’s a greater deception coming which even the very elect will be caught up. So here’s your rapture! 


Ye did run well; who did hinder you that ye should not obey the truth?

This persuasion cometh not of him that calleth you.

A little leaven leavens the whole lump.   

(Galatians 5:7-9 KJV)